The Calling Hour, a children’s musical by Avi Gross & Heather Herington CAST FOREST INHABITANTS SPIRITS •Spell Queen: The burnt out Earth Spirit of Spell Forest, child-loving, nurturer, who, takes a stand against the villagers breaking of her pact with the town founder, by prematurely retiring from her role as caretaker of the region, •Gwyn: Once friendly and gentle Wind Spirit of Spell Forest, that transforms into the destructive force that oversees the annihilation of Spell Forest and Tallwood Village. •Solly: gruff, comedic Sun Spirit, fed up with the villagers’ penchant for destruction; to protect Spell Forest, he imposes a deadline for the restoration of peace between forest and town. •Plooey: gushy Rain Spirit, goes along with her partner’s tactic to return the area to its former harmonious state. THE SPELLIES •Belle’C: A female, hummingbird spell, wise, tolerant, cast by the Spell Queen to protect the animals in Spell Forest and its surrounding region. •Breen: A female wolf spell, bravest of the three Spellies, most upset by Gwyn’s takeover. •Bailey: a male butterfly spell, follower, not opposed initially to Gwyn as the new leader. •Ift: A female, field-mouse spell, brazen, loyal to Gwyn. •Zin: A male owl spell, know-it-all, Gwyn loyalist. •Tree: the Spell Queen’s favorite, original tree spell; Belle’C’s confidante, as protector of the scroll. THE CHANIMALS (sassy and belligerent to various degrees) •Homelia: brash female, heartless, mean to Gwyn as burgeoning wind spirit. •Oscar: large male large, brave, good one of the lot, though lacking in confidence. •Jeraysen: rabble-rousing male with feminine side, bitter, envious of Oscar’s upbringing. VILLAGERS •Grace Tallwood: recently arrived feisty 17-year old, orphan heroine, great-great-granddaughter of town founder, city-girl, nature-lover, intelligent with attitude. •Charles: The now retired Tallwood family butler; as story-teller in present day Tallwood, he recalls the 3-day period during which the thriving mill town faced obliteration. •Grant Tallwood: early 40’s town mayor, great grandson of village founder, narcissist, with complete role reversal after near death experience at the hands of Gwyn. •Emmy Pufferson: 9-10 year old female villager on the Spell Queen’s call-list; outspoken, gifted with ESP; helps Grace by guiding the Mayor into pleading forgiveness for his errant ways. •Thaddeus: Oscar’s rambunctious younger brother, likewise awaiting his ‘Calling Hour’. •Noah: Emmy’s bratty cousin, ruffian, jealous of Grace’s status, and part of the next ‘Calling Hour’ exchange. •Mrs. Ramsbottom: middle-aged, the town snob, part of mayor’s entourage. •Mrs. Pufferson: Emmy’s mom, miller’s wife, strong voice against mayor’s lack of leadership in matter of the missing children (i.e. chanimals). •Mr. Pufferson: Emmy’s dad, giant but timid miller, forced by his wife to confront the mayor. •Foreman Gill: mayor’s head logger, bodyguard. •Loggers 1,2: ruffled male villagers sent on failed rescue mission. VILLAGERS (Present Day) •Charles: male storyteller, in his 70’s, the mayor’s former butler and storyteller. •Elliot: ingenious 8 year-old boy, wearing over-sized glasses •Hart: adventurous, 10-year-old girl. •Bluma: female early teen, with darker nature.